Our Vision

Our Vision

We thrive to develop our students’ social, emotional and independent skills as well as their academic achievement and progress by creating a safe and happy learning environment for all students.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To thrive for the highest expectations in teaching and learning and provide all our students with the skills for their future lives

To promote students’ existing values, based on Omani culture and Identity, to become confident, productive and successful young people within local and global communities.

Our Aim

Our Aim

Quality of student learning:  to ensure we produce ‘thinking students’ who are well-prepared to face the challenges of the future and to make a positive contribution to Omani society and the global community.

Quality of teaching: every classroom is student-centred and focused on developing deep understanding whilst catering for individual learning needs; in order to raise a generation equipped to face future challenges, both nationally and internationally.

Quality of leadership: we provide our students with the best possible education by achieving our vision

Level of parent involvement in the learning program: parents are partners in ensuring student wellbeing and achievement levels are optimised.

Omani Heritage & Culture are embedded in the learning program: we raise a generation that is proud of its identity and culture and motivated to be a contributing citizen.

Level of community involvement in the learning program: We create opportunities for authentic & experiential learning via trips, workshops and a variety of events (that include Omani Heritage & culture)